Case details
Who is Pepper? Pepper is a 5 year old female Labrador
Reason for treatment: To ease Pepper’s tension
Number of treatments: 3
Initial findings
- Lateral rotation of thoracic and pelvic limbs
- Hamstrings hypotonic on right hand side.
- Roaching of lumbar-sacral region
- Bilateral tension throughout thoracic and cervical regions
Pepper had 3 treatments, c.7-10 days apart.
- By easing of the compensatory tight muscle in Pepper’s thoracic and cervical regions it has improved her posture, balance, muscle function and health in her pelvic region which has reduced roaching in her lumbar-sacral region.
- Visible bilateral improvement in balance and reduced lateral rotation of her limbs.
- Myotherapy of Pepper’s compensatory muscle issues has eased her tension and allowed her head and tail carriage to improve. Working on the tension has also activated the compromised muscles in her pelvic region.
1. Roaching of lumbar-sacral region.
2. Low tail and head carriage.
3. Laterally rotated thoracic and pelvic limbs.
Roaching improved with a longer – healthier looking standing stance.
Head and tail height improved. Pepper looks more balanced with an elongated cervical region.
- Less lateral rotation of the limbs. She stands more evenly.
- Lateral rotation of thoracic limbs.
- Visible pelvic limb lateral rotation from cranial view.
- Pepper looks unbalanced.
- By easing Pepper’s tension in her overloaded thoracic and cervical regions this has improved muscle function and brought balance back to her body. She has many compensatory issues related an accident and her muscles have adapted to keep her moving, but over time they have tightened, and she has developed areas of tension and roaching. By easing the tension and working on those areas, she is now holding her head and tail higher.
The roaching of her lumbar-sacral region has dramatically improved due to myotherapy, functional movement exercises and treat searches to elongate the cervical area.
- There has been some noticeable improvement in the rotation and alignment of both thoracic and pelvic limbs. Overall Pepper looks far more balanced after myotherapy and functional movement exercises.