Case details
Who is Bronson? Bronson is a 6 year old male Bulldog.
Reason for treatment: To ease muscle tension.
Number of treatments: 3
Initial findings
- Lateral rotation of thoracic and pelvic limbs and weight shifting off his left pelvic limb to his stronger right side. hamstrings hypotonic on left hand side.
- Sensitivity at T10-13 and dorsal tilt.
- Bilateral tension throughout thoracic and cervical regions.
Bronson had 3 treatments, c.7-10 days apart.
- Compromised biomechanics in Bronson’s pelvic region have caused an overload through his thoracic and cervical regions. By easing of the compensatory tight muscle in the overloaded regions it has helped his muscle function and health in his pelvic region.
- Bronson’s hypersensitivity eased over his thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and he allowed me to treat all the way dorsally to his tail set at the third treatment.
- Working on his areas of tension along with using functional movement exercises his compromised muscles in his pelvic region have become activated and his posture has improved.
- Weight shifts off left pelvic limb due to luxating patella.
- He spends less time on left limb and shorter stride on that side when compared to his stronger right side, creating a hop and swing as he walks.
- Laterally rotated thoracic and pelvic limbs.
- The functional movement exercises help Bronson to use the left pelvic limb as he works through a treat search over messy poles.
- It has encouraged him to lift the limbs through an increased range of motion and to use the left pelvic limb to help strengthen those muscles.
- The lateral rotation is still there but the muscle tension has been eased and his range of movement and strength has improved.
- Roaching in lumbar sacral region.
- Patella injury, lack of tail and compensatory issues have led to Bronson’s low head height, short neck and tensed posture.
- Bilateral muscular tension in cervical and thoracic region due to the compromised function of pelvic limbs.
Bronson has many compensatory issues and has made adaptions to enable him to keep moving. This has resulted over time in tension, roaching and a different gait pattern. Roaching has improved by working on elongating his compromised cervical area.
- Bronson is holding his head higher. He looks more balanced with an elongated cervical region and a taller stance.
- Muscle health has improved, and his neck appears elongated contributing to a better posture.